percy bysshe shelley

percy seems as lonely as a star,

which blinks its eyes at bysshe,

when the moon frowns at bolsta,

a wolf, of grey long legs,

a haul, in the shadow, near the sea,

percy bysshe shelley feels the dreams in the breeze.

Thursday Poets Rally Week 79: January 14-January 27, 2015 (5th anniversary celebration)

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9 Responses to percy bysshe shelley

  1. wolfsrosebud says:

    a bit of a song… i’d say

  2. Hello, poetic friend:

    After our official visit your blog, evaluate your poetry talent, and consider what you contribute to poetry itself and to our online poetry community, we decide to give you an award so that you are encouraged to write and post more poems, share with our Thursday poets rally or any other poetry prompt,

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    Free Verse With Rhymes (for thursday poets rally week 79) please join us today

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    Best regards

    Benji Barratt Clark Twohill Sullivan

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  3. i do have fun with this word game.

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